Welcome to Massive Notes, the official blog of The Mississippi Mass Choir. This is where you'll get an inside look at our music ministry and the faith and lives behind it. Each post will share stories from our journey as a choir and as believers, the inspiration behind our songs, reactions from audiences across the country, and daily encounters of God's work in our lives.
Whether you're already one of our devoted fans or just discovered our music, we hope this blog gives you insight into who we are as a choir and as people trying to walk righteously before God. Hearing directly from choir members, you'll experience the commitment, passion, and authenticity that have sustained our ministry for almost 35 years. We hope our stories and conversations may strengthen your own walk of faith or introduce you to songs carrying messages that speaking to your heart.
Heres What You Should Expect!
Our reader should expect the following from The Mississippi Mass Choir's blog:
Updates on new music, albums, and songs—sharing inspiration or stories behind the lyrics and process of creating the music
Behind-the-scenes glimpses into the choir's ministry and events—showing the dedication and faith of members, dynamics of rehearsals or performances, reactions from crowds or audiences
Interviews or spotlights on individual members or leaders—highlighting personal faith journeys, commitment to the choir's ministry, and talents or roles in the group
Reflections on faith or Scripture—having choir members share thoughts on spiritual growth, reacting to current events in the world from a Christian perspective, lessons learned from the Bible, or more
The history and legacy of choir—looking back on past milestones, former members or leaders, how the sound or approach has evolved while staying true to mission, and the impact on listeners' lives and gospel music as a whole
Recommendations of other inspirational music, books, messages, or resources—introducing fans to music or teachings that have strengthened the choir's faith or ministry
Songs and Stories: The Heart Behind Our Music Ministry
To get each new post from Mass Notes delivered to your inbox, subscribe on our website below. You can also follow our blog here on mississippimasschoir.org or connect with us on social media (links below) for the latest choir updates and more. Thank you for joining us on this journey of ministry—we look forward to sharing more of the story and songs of The Mississippi Mass Choir with you.
To connect with The Mississippi Mass Choir, visit:
Website: www.mississippimasschoir.org Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TMMC1 Twitter: https://twitter.com/massmisschoir (https://twitter.com/massmisschoir) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialmississippimasschoir/